Will the equally sized squares ever stop moving around ? ? ?
Perception and awareness are truly amazing phenomena. The art of dreaming
is actually the art of awareness.One point to ponder is the fact that your linear logic was primarily created to help you make sense of our physical world. Since our perception
has evolved over millions of years we are deeply attached to it. This explains why so
many people violently refuse to change any firmly held beliefs or thoughts.
Take a look at the optical illusion above
and you tell me how reliable our physical
senses are when confronted with conflicting sensory data (much like
attempting to process non-linear data in our habitually linear mode).
use lower scrollbar to scroll right

















































































































































For more more detailed info about perceptual snafus and how our brains actually creates or "fills in the blanks" when our perception hits a bump in the sensory road, click here to check out an eye-opening website exercise. The link will take you to a great hands-on exercise so you can experience this mental filtering process first-hand. Hopefully, it will add some perspective when you examine your surroundings, your perception and your awareness.

Your belief system acts like a non-physical experiential brain. Your physical brain tries to make sense of its sensory data and ensure physical stability while your beliefs systems attempt to create a consistent and comfortable you on a psychological level. In both cases there exists an innate tendency to filter the raw data as best as it can to fit into existing parameters. This psychological "filling in the blanks" often prevents people from becoming aware of sensations that they cannot make sense of logically. The funny thing is that this filtering process even filters itself from becoming known to your conscious mind so be sure to regularly analyze your existing beliefs and remove any limiting mental barriers.



















































































































































Optical illusions are great, not only because they are amusing but because
they can be used to exercise your awareness and to simultaneously train
yourself to become a better dreamer. When you view an illusion from one perspective and then shift to view it another way, try to notice the shifting
and the perceptual rearranging that takes place during the cognitive transition
from one view to the next. With practice you can learn to develop your
ability to detect these little "mental-processing sommersaults". These
relocalizations of awareness are very similar to the subtle perceptual shifts
that occur while dreaming. Many lucid dreams are aborted prematured
because the dreamer was not able to quickly regroup and refocus his
awareness to the changing dreamscape. By becoming aware of this shifting process you can improve your ability to react and reestablish your awareness when you encounter any similar perceptual shifts within the dreaming realm. simultaneously train yourself to become a better dreamer.


















































































































































The "Shifts Happen" Optical Illusion Archive

In keeping with the theme of this collection,
Let's do a scrollbar shift.
Use the RIGHT scrollbar to scroll DOWN.


Arguably, the most famous optical illusion in existence.
Do you see an young lady or an old women?


Read the words above...
Now reread it again because
that is not what it says...




Focus on the center and see what happens.





Can you view this two ways?
Hint: is the man dishonest?



Look more closely. There are only 2 colors, red and blue. Any others were created in your mind due to the dots being placed close together. Neat huh?


Once you have answered,
roll your cursor over the picture
to find out what the correct is...


How many legs does Dreamland Dumbo have now?




Both are the same.

Which inner circle is bigger?



Notice how the square appears to have curved sides.



Both are the same.

Which lines is bigger?


These purple lines are perfectly straight.


These diagonal lines are parallel.


Where does this triangle begin and end?


This one is great because there are so many
ways to view the position of the red ball.
Try to view the perspective of the box to make
the ball appear inside, outside, in front or back.


This one is extremely wild and one of my favorites.
Just look into it for a while and notice the shifts.
I noticed that blinking while in one perspective
will cause the other view to appear. Very cool.


This one below can be viewed two ways.

Can you see both views?
It is a pretty difficult one. Good luck!



Bugs Bunny or Donald Duck?

and on that note... THAT'S ALL FOR NOW FOLKS

If you'd like to see more optical illusions
check out this site
Or do a search on any searevch engine
and you should find LOTS of other sites.













































































This isn't scrolling down is it?


or are you just curious person?
If so, congratulate yourself because from my experience curiousity never killed the cat, it allowed him to find my socks in the closet and the plastic wrappings behind the couch and the ball he lost the other day and...........the list goes on




















































































































































You are extremely curious, aren't you???

Click here to go to the

If it doesn't work try again in a few days