lucid dreaming, astral projection and out of body experiences
out of body experiences books
. consciousness
lucid dreaming books
a list of some other books *I put some comments next to some of them, but that's not to say that the others aren't as good. I just didn't want to write "good" , next to each one so I just placed the comments on ones I highly recommend Some are GREAT and should be considered "must-reads" if you are interested in seriously getting the basics of lucid dreaming. Many of them are linked to corresponding pages on where you can read more in-depth reviews of them, and HOPEFULLY, this will make it that much easier for you to BUY and READ them. The more you read; the quicker you will progress; so start reading, today. With the links that are hooked up to them, you don't have any excuses anymore, just click on them, and then buy them, and they'll be at your door in no time. It doesn't get any easier than that!!! I have not had a chance to update this page in quite some time, but plan on adding some new good reads when I have some time to upgrade this site. ALWAYZZZ
any category to view Of course, I have
to recommend my online manual as a MUST READ: <hehe> Choose
Your Dreams: is an excellent eBook by Peter Fellows who also
provides follow-up sessions Lucid Dreaming by LaBerge ...a classic "MUST READ" Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming also by Laberge ...the "MUST READ" *great Conscious Dreaming by Robert Moss ...another"MUST READ": REALLY GREAT, one
of the most insightful books on the subject Dreamgates by Robert Moss *also GOOD Lucid Dreaming by Celia Green The Lucid Dreamer by Malcolm Goodwin *GREAT Control Your Dreams : by Jayne Gachenbach Our Dreaming Mind by VandeCastle Creative Dreaming by Patricia Garfield (as well as any others) The Dream Game by Anne Faraday The Dreaming Universe by Fred Alan Wolfe *great scientific approach The Sun and the Shadow by Kelzer *good personal account of LDing Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill by Taylor Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney Working with Dreams by Montague Ullman,M.D. and Zimmerman Dream Studies and Telepathy by Ullman, M.D. and Stanley Krippner,Ph.D. *interesting studies!!! Memories,
Dreams, Reflections by Jung
all Robert Monroe's books *all are great "must readzzz" Cosmic Journeys : My Out-Of-Body Explorations With Robert A. Monroe by Rosalind A. McKnight Adventures Beyond the Body by Buhlman *great: a "must read" out of body experiences by peterson *really good Leaving the Body by Rogo *a "must read"; great, lotzzz of techniques mentioned The Study and Practice of Astral Projection by Sylvan Muldoon The Projection of the Astral Body by Sylvan Muldoon *oldie but a goodie Eckankar by Twitchell
(*semi-dogmatic alert ;) The Crack in the Cosmic Egg by Joseph Chilton Pearce *great book on paradigm shifts Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg by Joseph Chilton Pearce *more exploring :) Mind Trek : Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing by Joe McMoneagle *great RV book Powers of Mind by Adam Smith *insightful overview of a variety of intriguing concepts Mega-Brain by Michael Hutchinson *good intro on mind machines The Center of the Cyclone by John C. Lilly *really great The Scientist-A metaphysical biography by John Lilly ......these are all great BOOKS by Alan Watts (can u tell I like his books :) This is It by Alan Watts *great Clouds Hidden-Whereabouts Unknown by Alan Watts *I LOVED IT Does it Matter by Alan Watts Behold the Spirit by Alan Watts The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Yourself by Alan Watts *a "must read" The Way of Zen by Alan Watts Alan Watts Teaches Meditation/Audio Cassette Seeds of Genius : The Early Writings of Alan Watts The Tao of Philosophy : The Edited Transcripts Zen Practice, Zen Art : Further Explorations from the Way of Zen/Audio Cassette Out of Your Mind by Alan Watts ..........gotta check out some Alan Watts :) Beyond Telepathy by Andreai Puharich *contains Robert Monroe's first experiences The Tibetan Book of the Dead by Shambala *formulaic and long-winded but interesting The Mind Race by Targ and Harary *another good RV read Magic:Science of the Future:Psi by Goodavage Kevin Trudeau's Mega-Memory by Kevin Trudeau (..titled so u remember author :) *can't remember if it was good or not <hehe> Accelerated Learning by Colin Rose Subtle Energy by William Collinge, Ph.D. The
Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts
*great book
on belief systems & reality
all Carlos Castaneda books, especially "The Art of Dreaming", a "must read" *all
are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED The Power of Silence : Further Lessons of Don Juan Journey to Ixtlan : The Lessons of Don Juan A Separate Reality : Further Conversations With Don Juan The Teachings of Don Juan : A Yaqui Way of Knowledge all Kenny Eagle Feather's books (good summaries of Castaneda's books) *GREAT Being-In-Dreaming by Florinda Donner *GREAT The Witch's Dream by Florinda Donner *good The Sorcerer's Crossing by Taisha Abelar *good The Way of the Shaman by Harner *a classic about shamanism Urban Shaman by Sergei Kahili King The Eagle's Quest by Fred Alan Wolfe *really good The Way of Wyrd byBates Sangoma
by James Hall
Soul Retrieval by Ingerman Medicine Woman by Lynn Andrews Maps to Ecstacy by Gabrielle Roth Spirirtwalker by Wesselman *great true story, I loved it Medicineman
by Wesselman *the sequel,
science-related The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot (*MY FAVORITE*...a "MUST READ") The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra *great tie-in of new physics and Eastern philosophy Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov *great The Dancing Wu-Li Masters by Gary Zukav *really good but a little looooong at times Chaos by James Gleick *great intro about the new science of CHAOS In the Wake of Chaos by Kellert Chaos in Wonderland by Pickover A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawkings *a basic classic The Medusa and the Snail by Lewis Thomas *impressive biological findings Lifetide by Lyall Watson Supernature by Lyall Watson Excursions to the
Far Side of the Mind by Rheingold Personal accounts, experiences, and approaches: *all Paolo Coelho's books are great
Alchemist By the River Piedra I Sat down and Wept Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach Illusions by Richard Bach (plus any other of his books too :) Way of the Peaceful Warrior *a "must read" and Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior by Milman *both are great Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss Gurdjieff:Making a New World by Bennett Tertium Organum by P.D. Oespenski "Eating the I" by Wm. Patterson The Prophet's Way by Hartman *quite good Travels by Michael Crichton *good to see a metaphysical side to Crichton Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll *the allusion to LDs and OBEs is overwhelming The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran * GREAT Surfing
the Himilayas by Frederick Lenz
there's more
to the world than books There's most of them for now .........more to come as soon as I find and gnaw through them :) Take Care, Bird Please send me any suggestions you may have :)
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